Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Git 'em good with the Discovery Store's Bug Net Launcher

I adore the Discovery Store folks. I mean, they have the coolest stuff for kids, so whenever Parent Bloggers Network sends out one of their emails with something new to try out, I jump at the chance. Who doesn't love a good toy that also helps you learn?

Recently, we received the Bug Net Launcher to try out. I thought it was going to be super cool, but when I opened the box it was greeted by the typical six-year-old eyeroll and the declaration that there was no way that it could be cooler than this cool bug thing that his friend Jacob had.

Oh no, my son, you are wrong.

It's easy to use. Take the net, put the darts that are attached to each corner of the net into the appropriate holes and push down until they pop into place. Aim at your target, and BAM! You are now the proud captor of a bug.

Let me tell you, the thing has some oomph behind it. We tried it out on some of the targets that are included in the set (funny pictures of bugs on laminated cardboard cutouts) and not only did we catch the cutouts, but with some serious force behind it. And let's admit it, how cool is it to shoot some big old bugs? Monkey Man adored it from the word go - and what red-blooded boy do you know that wouldn't like to play with a bug gun? I think the key part here is just keeping the aforementioned boys from shooting siblings or animals. Ahem.

The weather around these parts has been pretty crappy lately so we hadn't had much opportunity to do a lot of hunting for bugs - and as of yet everything has gotten away from us including a lizard that happened to be in close proximity to the gun. But he's had a blast just practicing and waiting for the moment when he can finally catch a preying mantis just like he saw on Animal Planet last Thursday night.

The Bug Net Launcher sells for $24.95 and would be a great gift for your little bug-lover so they can work on their collection all summer long! And don't forget to stop by Parent Bloggers Network where they will also have other reviewers talking about this toy as well as the Venus Fly Trap.

Parent Bloggers Network

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